Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Earth Hour

Earth Hour
I'm very disappointed that no one has yet responded to my last week's blog on 'Holiday Is Over!' Please make an effort to comment on it.
For this week, I would like to hear your view on Earth Hour which Singapore participated on 28/3. Here are a few questions to help you to express your view.
How many countries took part in this event?
What is the event about?
Did you and your family participate in this event? Why?
What did you do/What did many Singaporeans do?
Do you think it is an event that is worth observing? Give your reason/s
Tell me more of what you know.

Ms Shamugam i don't know what is event means and participate?

1 comment:

  1. Sylvia,
    An event is something organised by someone and is like a celebration. pariticipate is to take part in something
